The latest beta of Android 16 introduces a Battery Health feature similar to that of the iPhone.

The latest beta of Android 16 introduces a Battery Health feature similar to that of the iPhone.

      Google has begun the rollout of the third beta build of Android 16. While it isn't a significant visual overhaul, there are several features that users may find beneficial. One such addition is a health check system for the phone's battery.

      This new feature, named Battery Health, can be accessed by navigating to the Battery dashboard in the Settings app. It doesn't offer extensive functionality but provides an information section that essentially reveals the electrochemical condition of your phone's battery.

      Why is this significant?

      Lithium-ion batteries commonly used in smartphones experience repeated charge and discharge cycles almost daily. Over time, chemical degradation occurs, impacting the battery's ability to hold a charge. Technically, rechargeable batteries are consumable items with a limited lifespan.

      Many factors play a role here, including impedance and battery voltage, both of which are influenced by the battery's chemical age. Depending on the battery's health, smartphones implement specific optimizations to manage device workload, prevent unexpected shutdowns, and address issues like lags.

      However, typical Android smartphones lack a mechanism to inform users if their battery is not functioning optimally. With the release of the Android 16 Beta 3 update, the Battery Health dashboard will provide this information in the form of a percentage, similar to what iPhones offer.

      “This is an estimated percentage of charge the battery can currently hold compared to a new standard battery,” states Google. Generally, a battery health metric exceeding 80% is considered ideal for a phone to operate efficiently without noticeable issues in charging or performance.

      If the percentage falls below that threshold, users can contact their smartphone brand's support service to obtain a replacement, depending on the warranty status.

      Additional Features

      Monitoring the battery health of your phone is certainly beneficial, especially in the long term. If your device is experiencing performance issues, you can quickly verify whether the aging battery may be the cause by checking its health percentage.

      Moreover, Google’s approach on Android devices will offer several recommendations on how to maximize battery performance while maintaining its health. The Battery Health dashboard will also feature controls for charging optimization.

      One such feature is adaptive charging, which slows down the charging rate when the phone is connected overnight, reaching full capacity just before the user wakes up. Users also have the option to cap battery charging at 80% of its maximum capacity.

      Additionally, the battery health dashboard will provide quick access to guides and help articles on how users can find the best balance between battery health and device performance. Some suggested steps include minimizing background activity from features like Now Playing song identification, enabling adaptive brightness, and limiting app background activity.

The latest beta of Android 16 introduces a Battery Health feature similar to that of the iPhone. The latest beta of Android 16 introduces a Battery Health feature similar to that of the iPhone.

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The latest beta of Android 16 introduces a Battery Health feature similar to that of the iPhone.

The latest beta of Android 16 includes a Battery Health dashboard that displays the chemical aging condition of the device's battery and provides useful tips as well.