Gorn 2 delivers additional gladiatorial brutality to VR this year.

Gorn 2 delivers additional gladiatorial brutality to VR this year.

      Devolver Digital has revealed that Gorn 2 will be released on SteamVR, Meta Quest, and PlayStation VR2 later this year. Ahead of the announcement, Digital Trends had the opportunity to try out three levels on Meta Quest 3S, showcasing new weapons and its signature gore.

      The original Gorn, a hack-and-slash action game created by the studio Free Lives, debuted for VR headsets in 2019. It achieved significant success on Meta Quest, selling over one million copies by 2021. The sequel aims to replicate that success with a new studio directing the project. Cortopia Studios, known for Wands, is leading the development in partnership with Free Lives.

      Gorn 2 largely retains the original game's formula, immersing players in a series of wave-based gladiator confrontations. The objective is to survive by slicing enemies with oversized weapons and using traps within the arena. The sequel plans to elevate the experience by providing players with 35 different weapons, including bows, floppy nun-chucks, and steak axes. It will also feature five arenas, an endless mode, and customizable game options.

      During my play session, I was placed in the second arena, where I battled through three levels. I quickly adapted, grabbing a sword and hacking at the approaching foes. The grim fun of Gorn 2 comes from the ability to dismember enemies. I literally disarmed one enemy by slicing off his entire arm, and another was killed instantly after I shattered his skull with a massive mace. Many enemies were reduced to scraps that lay scattered throughout the arena. Yes, it’s definitely Gorn.

      Environmental traps are a significant aspect of the sequel, and I encountered three different hazards during my demo. The first consisted of spinning blades rotating around the arena, which I could use to slice enemies (or let them walk into the blades themselves). Another level had giant spatulas that occasionally slapped down, crushing anything beneath them. The final level included a fire pit at the center of the arena, into which I could knock enemies, sending them flying.

      These elements work together with Gorn 2's physics, resulting in unpredictable moments of comedic chaos. In one instance, an enemy swung a massive axe at me but accidentally struck another foe, who became stuck to the blade. When the first enemy swung again, the corpse hit a lava pool and was launched into the air. This caused the attached enemy to be yanked backward onto a spatula that had just hit the ground, sending both characters flying. It was pure comedic gold.

      Additionally, the three levels I played contained plenty of intentional humor. I faced off against chickens that hurled eggs at me as an attack. The finale of the second arena concluded with me consuming a soy steak, which shrank me to insect size. I had to defeat full-sized enemies by swiping at their legs and then dragging them over to a grill in the center of the arena, transforming them into real steaks that made me grow back into a giant.

      If you enjoyed the original Gorn, there are many reasons to be excited for Gorn 2, even with a new developer at the helm. It promises to deliver even more laughs and ultraviolence than its predecessor, making players feel like sadistic psychopaths. This is the essence of Gorn.

      Gorn 2 is set to launch later this year on Steam VR, Meta Quest, and PlayStation VR2.

Gorn 2 delivers additional gladiatorial brutality to VR this year. Gorn 2 delivers additional gladiatorial brutality to VR this year.

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Gorn 2 delivers additional gladiatorial brutality to VR this year.

Gorn 2 is set to be released on VR headsets this year, and we have just experienced a preview of its outrageous violence and powerful axes.