If you can only watch one movie on Peacock this March 2025, make sure to stream this one.
If you're searching for something to watch on Peacock, you may have to sift through quite a bit of content. This isn't to imply that there aren't worthwhile options on Peacock; it just means that locating them can seem more challenging than necessary.
We've done the hard work for you and discovered the perfect film for your March watchlist. **Brooklyn** tells the tale of a young woman who emigrates from Ireland to America during the 1950s and finds herself caught between her past life and the new one she has created. Here are three reasons you should give it a watch:
If you need additional recommendations, check out the best new movies to stream this week, along with the best shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+.
It showcases a star-making performance by Saoirse Ronan.
**Brooklyn** Official International Trailer #1 (2015) - Saoirse Ronan, Domhnall Gleeson Movie HD
Saoirse Ronan is now regarded as one of the top actresses of her generation, but that was not the case in 2015. At that time, she was a young woman on the verge of movie stardom, and **Brooklyn** was the film that highlighted her immense talent.
As Eilis, Ronan portrays a young woman who immigrates to America with nothing and gradually learns to embrace her new home. She brings Eilis to life as a loveable character who remains deeply relatable. She’s funny, reserved, and ultimately optimistic about her new life.
It serves as a tribute to 1950s New York.
20th Century Studios
There’s a strong romanticism in director John Crowley’s portrayal of New York in the 1950s. The film is named after Brooklyn and illustrates the era's city as a place that can be both isolating and the best representation of home.
Despite its relatively modest budget, **Brooklyn** pays close attention to all the right details. Most of us might not fully grasp what New York City is truly like, but we all wish it resembles the New York depicted in **Brooklyn**.
It's the quintessential love triangle.
Saoirse Ronan as Eilis and Emory Cohen as Tony in **Brooklyn** 20th Century Studios
**Brooklyn** tells the story of a love triangle, but it's the kind of story that uses its characters to symbolize larger themes. After arriving in America, Eilis falls for Tony, a Brooklyn-born Italian American who helps her acclimate to city life and eventually proposes to her. When she visits home, she meets Jim, a man who reminds her of the pleasures of Ireland and offers her a sense of belonging she previously lacked there.
**Brooklyn** doesn’t create a lot of suspense over who Eilis will ultimately end up with, but the decision between Jim and Tony represents more than just a choice between two men; it’s a choice between two homes and two different ways of living. Eilis’s final decision reflects everything we know about her transformation, which is why it feels so inevitable.
Watch **Brooklyn** on Peacock.

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If you can only watch one movie on Peacock this March 2025, make sure to stream this one.
This film may only be a decade old, yet it already gives off a classic vibe, making it an ideal choice for a cozy night in March.