Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12

Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12

      Sam Hill / Digital Trends

      Enjoy crossword puzzles but lack the time to complete a full-sized one in your daily newspaper? That’s where The Mini comes in!

      A compact version of the New York Times’ popular crossword, The Mini offers a quick and straightforward way to challenge your crossword skills daily, taking much less time (with most players solving it in just over a minute on average). While smaller and simpler than a traditional crossword, it can still be tricky. Struggling with even one clue might mean the difference between achieving a personal best and having a frustrating experience.

      Just like our Wordle hints and Connections hints, we're here today to assist you with The Mini if you find yourself in need of a little help.

      Below are today’s answers for the NYT Mini crossword.

      NYT Mini Crossword answers for today

      New York Times


      Drops on a putting green, say – DEW

      Change that a Spaniard or German might request? – EUROS

      Beat handily, in slang – SPANK

      Annoying, as a younger sibling – PESKY

      Blue expanse – SEA


      Pulls a fast one on – DUPES

      Clear, as a blackboard – ERASE

      Speaker of the line “You know, no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall” – WONKA

      Paranormal gift, for short – ESP

      Blue expanse – SKY

      As Digital Trends' Gaming Evergreen Lead, Sam Hill is here to help you discover your next favorite game and dive right into it.

      NYT Spelling Bee: answers for Friday, May 10

      Are you captivated by New York Times games? We are too, and Spelling Bee is among our favorites. However, just like any other NYT game — Wordle, Connections, Strands, and The Mini — we occasionally encounter challenges finishing it.

      If you're stuck on today’s Spelling Bee, we’re here to assist. Refer to the article below for a refresher on how to play the game and a list of all possible words you could generate today.

      How to play Spelling Bee

      If you enjoy Wordle and Connections, Puzzmo might become your new daily fixation.

      If you've incorporated puzzle games like Wordle and Connections into your routine over the past year, you may discover another daily obsession on the horizon. Puzzmo is a new platform that transforms the concept of a newspaper puzzle page into a responsive web experience compatible with various devices. Players can sign up for the free platform today, which also offers a $40 annual subscription option that unlocks additional features such as experimental games and leaderboards.

      This ambitious new venture is a collaboration between Orta Therox and Zach Gage, a game designer who has gained recognition for mobile titles like Knotwords and Good Sudoku. His latest endeavor has been in development for several years and serves as a comprehensive hub for Gage’s puzzle collection, aiming to outshine popular platforms like The New York Times in the realm of puzzles.

      The New York Times has launched a new puzzle game that follows the success of Wordle and focuses on math.

      Digits presents players with the challenge of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers. You can currently play its beta version online for free.

      In Digits, participants receive a target number they need to achieve. They’re given six numbers and can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to get as close to the target as possible. Not all numbers must be used, making this game a test of your math skills as you try to form the right equations to approach the target number.

      Players can earn a five-star rating for matching the target number exactly, a three-star rating if they are within ten, and a one-star rating for getting within twenty-five of the target number. Currently, players can also try five different puzzles featuring increasingly larger numbers. I completed today’s puzzle and found it to be a fun, number-based game that should appeal to curious minds who enjoy puzzle games like Threes or other New York Times titles such as Wordle and Spelling Bee.

      In an article introducing Digits and describing The New York Times Games team's development process, The Times mentions that the team plans to use this free beta to address bugs and evaluate whether it should proceed into a more active development phase, during which the game will be coded and designs finalized. So, be sure to try Digits while it’s available, as The New York Times may discontinue the project if it doesn’t receive the feedback they expect.

      The Digits beta is currently accessible for free on The New York Times Games website.

Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12 Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12 Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12 Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12 Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12 Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12

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Answers for the NYT Mini Crossword on Wednesday, March 12

The NYT Mini crossword may be significantly smaller than a standard crossword, but it's still quite challenging. If you're having trouble with today's puzzle, we have the solutions for you.