The toughest Xbox Achievements in history.
The Xbox 360 changed the gaming landscape significantly, most notably with its Achievement system. This feature introduced extra challenges and tasks that players could complete to increase their total Gamer Score, which is displayed publicly as a badge of honor. Many players quickly became addicted to pursuing these Achievements, which weren't always easy. Instead of simply conquering the toughest game, players were now required to go above and beyond by unlocking secret endings or defeating hidden bosses. A poorly designed Achievement list can deter players even from the best Xbox Series X titles, but the challenges listed here are some of the most demanding Xbox Achievements ever created.
Note: Multiplayer Achievements or those that are or may become impossible to achieve will not be included.
5. Mr. Perfect – Megaman 10
Megaman 10 is a challenging platformer that is not insurmountable. It revives the pixel art style from NES games and is widely regarded as an excellent title. The gameplay remains familiar, with Megaman battling Wily’s robot masters, acquiring their powers, and using them to defeat subsequent bosses. While some stages can be tricky, completing the game is achievable with practice. The Mr. Perfect Achievement requires you to achieve perfection—beating the entire game without dying or taking any damage. If you sustain even a single hit from a stray projectile or an enemy off-screen, you'll have to restart the whole game.
4. 7 Day Survivor – Dead Rising
Early Achievements were often either excessively easy or prohibitively difficult. As a launch title, Dead Rising had no precedents to help gauge the difficulty of its Achievements. The 7 Day Survivor Achievement is not only tough from a skill standpoint but also incredibly demanding in terms of time commitment. As we know, Dead Rising operates on a timer, but this Achievement requires surviving for 7 days through Infinity Mode, which unfortunately disables the save option. Thus, you must play continuously for approximately 14 hours without dying. You can’t simply leave your console unattended in a safe spot, as Frank needs to eat and drink to stay alive.
3. LASO Master – Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Every Halo installment includes Easter egg skulls collected throughout the campaign, which unlock gameplay modifiers that increase the game's difficulty, such as making your gun and reticle invisible, causing enemies to throw numerous grenades, and requiring melee attacks to regain shields. LASO, originally a community challenge signifying "Legendary, all skulls on," became an official Achievement in The Master Chief Collection. To achieve it, players must complete all four main Halo games with all skulls activated. Fortunately, dying is permitted, but the Iron skull in Halo 2 will restart the entire level if you're playing alone.
2. Lowest of the Low – Crypt of the Necrodancer
Often regarded as the most challenging Achievement ever created, with only a few players having achieved it, Lowest of the Low might indeed deserve that title. This Achievement comes from the indie roguelike favorite Crypt of the Necrodancer, where players navigate randomly generated dungeons while moving and fighting to the rhythm of the music. It’s a clever and enjoyable take on the genre, though its randomness can make success feel like a gamble. Unlocking this Achievement is akin to hitting a target blindfolded while riding a horse, where your target is another bullet from a different gun. You must complete the game with all 9 characters in one continuous run without collecting any item power-ups. A single mishap or accidentally picking up an item means starting over. Mastery of the game is not enough; extreme skill and luck are required.
1. Mein laben – Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Machine Games
While other Achievements may be even tougher, Mein laben is a notorious Achievement that deserves mention. You might be familiar with it, but here’s a brief overview. This Achievement is awarded for completing Wolfenstein 2 on the hardest difficulty level known as “Mein laben.” This level not only makes enemies more lethal, aggressive, and difficult to defeat, but it also allows for only one life and no save option. If you’re hit by a stray bullet and die on the final level, all your progress is lost, and you must replay the entire game. There's nothing more discouraging than losing hours of progress without any return. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect is that this Achievement is only worth 30 points.
Honorable mention: Super Go Outside – The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
The Stanley Parable Crows Crows Crows
This is merely an honorable mention as it serves somewhat as a meme Achievement and is also easily achievable. The Stanley Parable is already an experimental and fourth-wall-breaking game, making it fitting for the Achievements to be similarly meta. In the original release, the regular Go Outside Achievement was awarded for not playing the game for 5 years, while the

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The toughest Xbox Achievements in history.
Xbox Achievements are an excellent method to showcase your commitment to gaming, but certain ones are nearly unattainable. Here are the most challenging achievements of all time.