How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies.

How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies.

      One of the most thrilling aspects introduced with The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies Expansion Pack is the ability to conduct a lecture or class. While you can casually run a lecture to help Sims enhance their skills, teaching a class can also generate income if you operate a small business.

      However, managing a class or lecture is not as straightforward as it seems, and there are certain requirements you must fulfill before teaching other Sims specific skills. Although the recent burglar update was beneficial, this new Expansion Pack brings plenty of opportunities for acquiring new hobbies. Here’s a detailed guide on how to conduct a class and a lecture in The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies.

      **How to Conduct a Lecture in The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies**

      The first thing to remember about lectures is that you do not need a small business to present one, only classes require that. Lectures are also free, meaning you won’t earn any money from them. Nonetheless, they are a great way to share your expertise with other Sims.

      **Step 1:** Buy the Sharing is Caring Hobby Whiteboard for 630 Simoleons, available in the Small Business category in Buy Mode.

      **Step 2:** Upon placing the whiteboard down, you’ll see a grey square indicating the area in front of it. If your lecture involves utilizing objects, you need to position them within this designated area. For instance, if you are lecturing about the pottery skill but place the pottery wheel outside of that square, it will not function.

      According to our findings, here are the skill lectures that necessitate objects for successful execution:

      - Acting: 3 mirrors or microphones

      - Baking: 1 fridge, 3 ovens, 3 counters

      - Bowling: 1 bowling lane

      - Charisma: 3 mirrors

      - Comedy: 3 microphones

      - Cooking: 1 fridge, 3 counters

      - Cross-stitch: 1 cross-stitch kit

      - Dancing: 1 stereo or dance floor

      - DJ Mixing: 3 DJ booths

      - Fabrication: 3 fabricators or candle-making stations

      - Fishing: 1 pond designated for fishing

      - Fitness: 3 workout machines/objects

      - Flower Arranging: 3 flower arranging tables

      - Gardening: 3 garden plants

      - Gemology: 3 gemology tables

      - Gourmet Cooking: 1 fridge, 3 counters

      - Guitar: 3 guitars

      - Handiness: 3 woodworking benches

      - Herbalism: 3 stoves/grills

      - Knitting: 3 yarn baskets

      - Logic: 3 chess tables, microscopes, telescopes, or children’s science tables

      - Media Production: 3 mix master music stations

      - Medium: 3 séance tables

      - Mischief: 3 computers

      - Mixology: 3 bars

      - Nectar Making: 3 nectar makers

      - Painting: 3 easels or digital sketchpads

      - Piano: 3 pianos

      - Pipe Organ: 3 pipe organs

      - Pottery: 3 pottery wheels

      - Programming: 3 computers

      - Research & Debate: 3 debate podiums or research archive machines

      - Robotics: 3 robotics workstations

      - Rocket Science: 1 unfinished rocketship

      - Singing: 3 microphones

      - Tattooing: 3 tattoo tables or digital sketchpads

      - Video Gaming: 3 computers, video game consoles, or arcade machines

      - Violin: 3 violins

      - Wellness: 3 massage tables/chairs, meditation stools, or yoga mats

      - Writing: 3 computers

      **Step 3:** Once you have the necessary objects set up for your lecture (if applicable), verify that your Sim has the appropriate skill level to teach. Each lecture necessitates your Sim to have a skill level of either three or five. By checking each option when interacting with the whiteboard, you’ll find the required skill level.

      **Step 4:** You may then commence your lecture, allowing other Sims to engage with the whiteboard and listen. As they participate, that specific skill will improve. If you do own a small business, a convenient method for your employees to automatically deliver lectures is assigning them the lecture task.

      **How to Conduct a Class in The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies**

      It’s important to note that you can only run classes if you own a small business. Additionally, this must occur on your small business lot while your shop is open and has customers.

      **Step 1:** Acquire the Sharing is Caring Hobby Whiteboard for 630 Simoleons, found in the Small Business category of Buy Mode.

      **Step 2:** After placing and interacting with it, you'll see various class options. Depending on your skill level, you can charge different fees per attendee. At the initial levels where you can conduct a class, you may charge 120 Simoleons, but at maximum

How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies. How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies. How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies. How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies. How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies. How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies.

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How to conduct a class and lecture in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies.

In The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies, you can share your knowledge with other sims using the whiteboard. Here’s how to conduct classes and lectures.