What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you?

What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you?

      Monster Hunter Wilds has finally launched and is making quite the splash on Steam. If you are among the many players diving in this weekend, we have a wealth of guides to help you get started, including some essential tips and tricks. However, there’s one major decision you will need to make on your own.

      The long-running series boasts an impressive arsenal featuring 14 distinct types of weapons. You can choose from a variety of blades, blunt instruments, and even ranged firearms, and I firmly believe that the weapon you select reveals something about you as a player and a person. It’s akin to a horoscope. What does your weapon choice in Monster Hunter Wilds indicate about you? I'm here to guide you.

      **Great Sword**


      I don’t have much affection for the greatsword in Monster Hunter Wilds. It’s a solid and dependable weapon, but that’s exactly why it’s the default option. It offers the simplest combos (mainly consisting of charged attacks) and lacks any unique features. If this is your chosen weapon, it’s likely because you defaulted to it after the tutorial, overwhelmed by the anxiety of selecting among the other options. Time to reach out to your therapist and get back on the Prozac, my friend.

      **Long Sword**


      Some of the most legendary weapons in gaming, such as Sephiroth’s Masamune, are long swords. They epitomize opulence: extravagant, impractical, and strikingly flashy. If you’re drawn to the long sword in Monster Hunter Wilds, it’s likely because you, like Sephiroth, prefer style over substance. But that’s perfectly fine; we aren’t here to judge, and the long sword brings all the flair you desire. True to its extravagant nature, this weapon features rapid combos that build up a gauge, allowing you to enhance your damage and unleash dramatic moves, like sheathing your weapon before striking your foe. Just be careful with those swings.

      **Switch Axe**


      As you might be realizing, Monster Hunter features an overwhelming array of cool weapons, making it tough to choose just one. I believe this is why the developers created the perfect weapon for indecisive players: one that acts as two. The Switch Axe’s clever trick is that it transforms from a large axe into a larger sword. Simple combos help fill smaller gauges, enabling you to switch to the latter form for powerful attacks. If making decisions isn’t your strong suit, rest assured the Switch Axe is here to help you look and feel great.

      **Light Bowgun**


      You opted for the light bowgun thinking it would be straightforward, but now you realize that you were mistaken. The bowguns can be easy if you merely want to aim and shoot at monsters from a distance, but there’s actually a lot more to them than meets the eye, and you’ll feel much cooler mastering their intricacies. For instance, the light bowgun features two firing modes (burst and automatic), but you need to build a meter with the first mode to unleash devastating power with the second. This meter, which appears above the ammo counter, fills on its own, but fires faster when you're shooting, and can be accelerated further by following bursts with chaser shots. You can also switch between different ammo types (some of which are more limited than others), fire charged focus shots that resemble a grenade launcher, and set down a charge that can explode multiple times when hit. But if you’re planning to do all this while keeping pace with the action, you must watch the light bowgun’s various ammo counters, which is quite a challenge. In summary, welcome to Monster Hunter, where every weapon feels like homework.

      **Heavy Bowgun**


      The heavy bowgun is what I’ve dubbed the “dudes rock” weapon. While it shares many similarities with the light bowgun, it trades mobility for flashier features. If you’ve ever wanted to unleash a gatling gun on a monster while delivering a cheesy one-liner or shouting “Hell yeah, brother,” this is the weapon for you. Like the light bowgun, the gatling mode is locked behind a gauge, but you can’t use chaser shots to speed it up with the heavy version. Nonetheless, the heavy bowgun compensates for this in two ways: it allows you to take cover with a guard function while you wait and features a charged fire blast with the gatling firing mode. So even though you’ll be slower for the power, if your vision of grandeur is Mifune from The Matrix Revolutions making his last stand in a mech suit strapped with a Gatling gun, you’ve found your weapon.

      **Insect Glaive**


      The insect glaive is a remarkable weapon, but it can feel like a trap. Loving it means you may be a masochist who thrives on suffering and never

What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you? What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you?

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What does your weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds reveal about you?

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