The top sci-fi films currently available on Netflix
In 2025, Netflix is not making sci-fi a priority, but it still offers some significant films in the genre. Christopher Nolan’s Inception was added to Netflix’s library in January, along with Interstellar. With no major new additions in February, it became our top selection for the month in this category.
Likewise, Mad Max: Fury Road was added to Netflix last month, and nothing similar has come since. Netflix can only rely on these films for so long before fans exhaust their options for science fiction movies. In the meantime, you can discover these films among the top sci-fi movies available on Netflix listed below.
We’ve also compiled guides for the best sci-fi movies on Amazon Prime Video and Hulu. Looking for more suggestions? Check out the best new movies to stream this week, along with the top movies on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Max, and Disney+.
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The top sci-fi films currently available on Netflix
Currently, the top sci-fi films available on Netflix comprise Inception, Mad Max: Fury Road, Interstellar, Dune: Part Two, Subservience, Elysium, among others.