How to locate and thwart burglars in The Sims 4.
After a lengthy wait for the notorious burglars to reappear, The Sims 4 has reintroduced them via a free base game update! These thieves have been a source of irritation for players since The Sims 1, and their absence in the latest edition of the franchise has been felt.
You can now confront burglars like Robin Banks directly in a fistfight, or you could choose to hide out of fear and hope the police come to your rescue. There are numerous ways to lure burglars to your property or completely deter them, so here’s how to deal with burglars in The Sims 4.
**How to find a burglar in The Sims 4**
Before attempting to stop a burglar, you'll need to locate one on your property. Whether out of curiosity or a desire for a showdown, there are several strategies to enhance your chances of finding a burglar.
**Step 1:** To increase your chances of encountering a burglar, consider applying the Lot Challenge Heist Havoc. You can add this new challenge in Build/Buy mode by clicking the house icon at the top left of your screen. Then, select the tab with the question mark to find Lot Traits and Challenges.
The Heist Havoc challenge significantly increases the frequency of burglar appearances at your lot. Additionally, it renders your burglar alarms less reliable, meaning if Robin Banks does sneak onto your property, you might have to handle the situation yourself.
**Step 2:** If you prefer not to use that Lot Challenge and don’t want to simply wait for a burglar, you can summon one using cheats. Start by enabling cheats by pressing Shift + Ctrl + C and typing 'testingcheats true.'
Once cheats are active, hold the Shift key and left-click on your mailbox. One of the options will be 'Schedule Burglar Visit (Debug).' Select this option, and a burglar will visit your lot at night.
**How to stop the burglar in The Sims 4**
If a burglar appears in your home and you want to know how to drive them away, you have several options. You can also prevent the chances of burglars appearing altogether if you’re not fond of Robin Banks.
**Step 1:** The simplest and most cost-effective way to deter a burglar from stealing your belongings is to install an alarm. You can find the Alertz Burglar Alarm in Build/Buy Mode in the same area as the fire alarm and thermostat. Priced at only 85 Simoleans, placing it near your front door will trigger the alarm if a burglar breaks in.
The alarm will wake your household and scare off the burglar, safeguarding your items. Remember, if you have both a front and back door, you’ll need an alarm for each entrance.
**Step 2:** Without the aid of an alarm, a typical Sim has three choices when facing a burglar. You can fight them, which will negatively impact your relationship with Robin Banks. Alternatively, you can engage in a simple confrontation, but this usually fails to deter them. Lastly, you can call the police, who will come to your lot; however, they may not arrive as quickly as you'd like, so if you want to prevent the burglar from escaping with your belongings, I suggest confronting them directly.
**Step 3:** Fortunately, depending on which DLCs you possess, there are other ways to fend off burglars. Certain Game and Expansion Packs introduce new gameplay mechanics, offering unique methods for dealing with burglar break-ins. Here’s a list of special Sim interactions based on the packs you own:
- Have a dog? They’ll chase the burglar away. (Requires: The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack)
- Werewolves can intimidate the burglar into leaving. (Requires: The Sims 4 Werewolves Game Pack)
- Spellcasters can use spells ranging from confusion to transformations. (Requires: The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Game Pack)
- Servos can immobilize the burglar with their defense matrix. (Requires: The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack)
- Scientists can use the Freeze Ray to stop them. (Requires: The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack)
- Vampires might seize the opportunity for a quick snack before commanding the burglar to depart. (Requires: The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack)
**Step 4:** If you absolutely dislike burglars and want to prevent them from appearing in your game, you can disable them. Go to Game Options, and under Gameplay, you'll find the option 'Allow Burglar Visits.' After selecting your preference, apply the changes and you’re all set.

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How to locate and thwart burglars in The Sims 4.
With EA reintroducing the notorious Robin Banks in The Sims 4, who is set to invade your Sims' residences, here's how you can locate and eliminate burglars.